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In each issue we feature an in-depth interview with a leading buy-side trader.

The modern trader needs an all-rounder mentality, considerable flexibility and the power to be a decision maker. Dwayne Middleton is head of US fixed income trading at Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM), since joining in 2009. He handles trading for...
The buy side must be an active participant in shaping market structure if investors are to achieve the best returns, says Cathy Gibson. Biography: Cathy Gibson is head of dealing at Royal London Asset Management, having joined the firm in...
Effectively communicating across trading desks, teams, counterparties and industry is allowing Allianz Global Investors to stand out amongst asset managers. The DESK talks to Jutta Schneider, European head of fixed income trading, Eric Böss global head of trading and Rachel Muscatt, head...
Proving and demonstrating the value of the trading desk at the very highest levels of the organisation creates a virtuous circle of investment and performance, James Wallin tells The DESK. New York-based James Wallin is senior vice president in AllianceBernstein’s...
There is nothing simple about the task facing BlackRock’s dealing teams, who trade for some of the world’s largest fixed income positions. For Izzy Conlin and Bryan Knapp, the smart application of technology, talent and data is allowing them...
Balancing a trader’s discipline and the curiosity of the millennial generation is creating a strong approach to negotiating the evolving fixed income landscape. What are the key differences for a trader in 2017 compared to when you first started on...
Dating back to the 1930s, the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) is the largest pension fund in the United States. Mike Rosborough, senior portfolio manager and investment director spoke to The DESK and gave his insights on trading and...
Moving to a data-led model of trading requires a change in culture across the desk, as Pictet Asset Management’s head of Fixed Income Trading explains. Carl James is global head of Fixed Income Trading for Pictet Asset Management. He manages...
Union Investment’s development of a multi-asset trading team and segregation of high and low touch business is allowing it to focus trading resource where it is needed.   Christoph Hock is head of Multi-Asset Trading at Union Investment, an asset manager...